Monday, April 6, 2009

Eat to Lose Weight and Cellulite

By Bronwyn Hewitt

To be healthy, strong, not overweight and cellulite free, you need to eat! But you need to know what to eat, why to eat, and when to eat it. Our bodies were not designed to eat anything other than real food. By real food I mean food that is in its natural state. Food that is naked, food that is not packaged or wrapped. We were not designed to consume additives or preservatives or chemicals of any kind. So eat food as close to its natural form as possible.

For instance If you want to eat chocolate, eat good quality chocolate. There are now many reports coming out saying that chocolate is good for you. The better the quality - the purer the chocolate which means less sugar, less additives. Plus it is such a happy food that it can bring on feelings of joy - I'm serious. Chocolate is not bad for you - if you are eating well and taking supplements, then your body will not need to keep the sugars from the chocolate for energy as it will already have plenty from the healthy foods you eat and the vitamins you take every day. Yep, you can have your cake and eat it too. In fact, I eat chocolate almost every day.

OK, so here's a news flash for you girls out there - FOOD IS GOOD FOR YOU. EAT IT. Yes, I can promise you that. So I want you to get into the mind set that eating is good and enjoyable and will make you feel good in mind, body, and spirit. We've been doing it for thousands upon thousands of years and it never hurt anyone yet. But in the last few hundred years, for the first time, we are seeing a lot of overweight people. And it is mostly due to what we ate then compared to what we eat now.

I am a great fan of food, and encourage you all to get back to enjoying food, having dinner parties, and making food your friend again. Mind you, what you eat must be good food, and it is very, very easy to recognize the good from the bad. Here are some things that you need to start doing straight away. Shop mostly from the walls, not the aisles of your supermarket. Most of the items in the aisles are not real foods. But the walls contain your vegetable department, dairy, and the delicatessen - all fresh foods. I personally only shop for fresh food if possible at the local green grocer, as their produce hasn't been all over the country in trucks, often getting to the supermarket already (at the very least) a week old. I want you to start reading the ingredients on EVERY item before you put it in your trolley. Limit as much as possible any foods that list ingredients with numbers on it, or preservatives, colours, flavours, or any kind of chemical additive. Mind you some foods that you will eat need to have one or two preservatives - they are in wine for heavens sake, but you can keep them to a minimum. You will get to know your products and learn which companies you can trust. I have learnt to trust Sanitarium for instance, I no longer read the ingredients on their food packaging as I know their products are made with the utmost care with as few preservatives as possible. And no I am not sponsored by Sanitarium but I am using them as an example. And don't take it for granted that products from a health food store are necessarily good. Read the labels until you know the product or company. Even with the simplest of foods, you will be amazed when you read the ingredients. Beware of low fat, low carb and low salt products. Often the process that foods go through to remove fat or salt is a chemical one, and will leave traces in its wake for you to consume. Seriously. Back to basics is the way I want you to think as far as food goes.

All you have to realize is that our bodies were created to eat and utilize certain foods for normal bodily functions to operate. Our bodies were not designed to process or metabolize anything fake. Think back a hundred years - if we didn't eat it then, don't eat it now. Our bodies were not designed to eat preservatives or colorants or flavour enhancers or thickeners (salad dressings are full of them - make your own at home) and all those numbers that come out of a laboratory, not out of the ground. These are the things that really clog up our systems. They block normal processing such as metabolism and eliminating waste, which are ESSENTIAL for staying healthy and to prevent your body from over storing energy. I have it on good authority that there are food scientists trying to do the right thing, and are using natural preservatives more and more where they can. Be careful, read everything, knowledge is power. Knowing what you are putting into your body is imperative to a happy healthy life. You are in control of your body. Give your body what it needs and it will work for you.

Bronwyn Hewitt
Cellulite Therapist

Bronwyn is an actual living breathing Cellulite Therapist, operating since 1990 in Australia. Bronwyn is also the creator of The Ultimate Cellulite Treatment. Bronwyn introduced C-Zone Therapy in 2008 and is author of The Ultimate Cellulite Treatment in a Book that has sold all over the world since being launched in 2005. She continues to teach ladies how to find the cause of their cellulite and how to get rid of the cellulite they already have for ever, using C-Zone Therapy. Bronwyn is based on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria Australia.

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