Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Natural Bodybuilding Diet: The Key to Success

Bodybuilding has become a popular trend in today's healthier lifestyle. When you choose to shape up with bodybuilding, it comes with a lot of challenges. These challenges include discovering the true meaning of commitment, self-discipline, dedication and strength - both mental and physical. As well as heavy workouts and exercises, it is also important to have a healthy diet. A natural bodybuilding diet can be a very good diet meal plan, to help you easily achieve a great bodybuilder figure.

What Is Natural Bodybuilding?

Natural bodybuilding is to choose to build your physique without taking any drugs such as steroids, pro-hormones, or other banned substances. It means that there is no substitute for hard work in the gym and a disciplined diet. Being diligent and determined will make you a successful bodybuilder.

Proper Bodybuilding Diet

A sample natural bodybuilding diet meal plan:

07:30 Breakfast : 3 eggs, 100gm wheat bread, 300ml orange juice,
10:00 Protein shake break, 500ml skimmed milk, 30gm milk protein powder, 1 banana (100gm)
12:00 Lunch :1 piece large chicken breast grilled without oil, 150gm brown rice, 5 florets steamed broccoli
3:00 Protein shake break, 250ml apple juice, 250ml skimmed milk, 30gm milk protein powder
6:00 Dinner :200gm medium salmon steaks, oven baked, 100gm broccoli, 100gm asparagus spears
7:30 Post workout shake : 250ml orange juice, 250ml skimmed milk, 30gm milk protein powder
9:00 Supper : 50gm slice of chicken breast, 400gm quark or cottage cheese, 100gm cherries

5 Paleo Diet Tips

Even when it seems that the information is overwhelming for what's healthy and what's not, it is possible to choose a healthy lifestyle that includes modern and manageable choices to accommodate any lifestyle. The Paleo Diet will allow you to eat healthy, enjoy your meals, and assist you in achieving real health and wellness! The Paleo Diet does not include grains, dairy, sugars, or processed foods - none of which provide nutritional value and support disease-causing inflammation in the body. The Paleo Diet supports eating a healthy mix of organic safe meat, fresh vegetables, some fruit, some nuts and seeds... and of course, healthy fats and oils! "Food is our fuel" that makes the body run - what you put into your bod will become the building blocks for every cell, muscle, tissue, and organ. The old adage "you are what you eat" was surprisingly true.

Here are 5 easy tips to help you get started on your Paleo journey to a healthy lifestyle:
1) Pre-cook your food, even bring lunch to work. In order to minimize cooking time, cook large batches of food at the beginning of the week or several days in advance!
2) Keep a paleo-friendly meal replacement bar or shake in your desk or purse in case of a change of plans. Being un-prepared will lead to poor decision making.
3) Try a new vegetable - the more color, and the deeper the color, the more nutritious it is! For example, kale is one of my favorite superfoods and it's very versatile - you can use it in recipes for smoothies, salads, and even cooking as a warm dinner side.